Monday 28 May 2012

Late Night Art

So it seems like I have creativity bursts late at night. I fancied doing a new watercolour painting, especially as my paint and brushes I ordered had arrived. I had to test them out!
Flower Pot Watercolour Painting
Again, I fancied painting flowers, I feel this is easing me into doing this type of art. I'm not the best painter but I hope you like it in some way. I think by me showing everyone what I'm doing is helping me in some way to be more confident about what I do/produce. I would love to eventually try and do some watercolour paintings like Katherine Asher (below), because I love her work!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Kelly :)
      Just trying to get back in touch with traditional art as I have neglected it for a while now haha.
